  来源:學愚 教授 日期:2015-07-18 浏览量:3434



中国 香港中文大学禅与人类文明研究中心主任








最近出版的作品包括BuddhismWar and  Nationalism2005),《人间佛教的社会和政治参与》(2006),《佛教、战争以及民族主义》(2012),《人间佛教:星云大师如是说、如是行》( 2012),《中国佛教的社会主义改造》(2014),以及其它七十多篇学术论文。



Professor Xue Yu


Director, Centre for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization

Of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)


Session Involved: Keynote Speech

Speech Topic: Life Is Like A Play


Professor Xue Yu is PhD of philosophy in The University of Lowa. He is currently the assistant professor of department of Cultural and Religious Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Professor Xue Yu used to study at The Buddhist Academy of China, University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka, the University of Tokyo in Japan and Princeton University and The University of Iowa in the USA. He has also worked at Grinnell College during his time in the USA. His study mainly focused on primitive Buddhism, Buddhism in China, the Buddhist thoughts and history in the human world.

Professor Xue Yu has been working at the CUKH since 2004. He obtained CUHK’s Young Researcher Award in 2006, and the visiting scholar award of l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient à Hanoi, EFEO in 2007. He was a visiting scholar at Harvard University between 2007 and 2008, and at the German Goethe Institute in 2008.

Professor Xue Yu has been working as the director of the Centre for the Humanistic Buddhism in CUKH, and has been the chief editor of The Book Series of Humanistic Buddhism Studies and The Periodicals of Humanistic Buddhism. He is now the editor of the magazine Zong Feng. In July 2013, Professor Xue Yu established the Chinese Buddhism Association and served as the first chairman.

His recent publishing includes Buddhism, War and Nationalism in 2005, The Social and Political Participation of Humanistic Buddhism in 2006, Humanistic Buddhism: Grand Master Hsing Yun Says and Does in 2012, The Socialist Transformation of Chinese Buddhism in 2014, and over 70 pieces of academic papers.

上一篇:由临终关怀看生与死的意义 下一篇:心灵的妙药
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